Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200 – DJ controller with USB, ideal for beginners learning to mix – 2 tracks with 8 pads and sound card – Software and tutorials included – For Sale – Price



Start easy and reveal your DJing skills with Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200. Learn to mix with the controller’s 5 unique features and built-in tutorials, be creative with its 8 pads and 8 modes (hot cue, roll, FX, sampler), and scratch with its touch-detection jog wheels.
Learn the Basics of Djing With the Controller’S Exclusive Features: Tempo and Beat Align Guides That Light Up, In Addition to The Assistant and Energy Functions
Comprehensive Djing Software Included: Discover the Basics of Djing With Interactive Help and Integrated Tutorial Videos
Choose Your Tracks Easily with The Intelligent Music Assistant, and Its Suggestions of today’s Hottest Tracks
Learn the Right Moves Thanks to The Layout of the Buttons and Sliders, Like Those Found on A Professional Controller
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 / macOS 10.11 & higher

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13 reviews for Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200 – DJ controller with USB, ideal for beginners learning to mix – 2 tracks with 8 pads and sound card – Software and tutorials included – For Sale – Price

  1. Holly

    Perfect for beginners
    My fiance wanted to get into DJ’ing so I bought this on a whim to see what would happen. The program comes with a video to teach you the buttons, her and I had NO clue what the heck we were doing at first but the actual program to play music DJUCED is awesome!! We linked our SoundCloud music right from our phones to it and signed it and Viola! It works so good. She has used this for about a year and is now about to upgrade to the big boy decks. But man this is truly an amazing little decks system for people wanting to learn.

  2. Arielle M

    Great For Beginners
    I decided to pick up a new hobby during the pandemic. I’ve had my controller for almost a month now and it’s been a blast. It helps that I’ve been a musician for so many years, so I already understand music theory. But I don’t see why anyone with zero music experience wouldn’t be able to learn quickly with this equipment.
    I would say the most helpful feature for anyone would be the beat assist feature. It’ll tell you if you’re too far ahead or too far behind when trying to match the beats. A light will come on and it’ll point you in the right direction! Very simple and easy feature to understand.
    If you want to learn how to DJ, this is a very affordable tool that will most definitely help you achieve that goal! For the price, I’m not sure you can beat this.

  3. Sam Dennington

    Good for Beginners
    I got this as a beginner to see if I would enjoy it. Its been a lot of fun to play with, a little tricky to figure out at first but I got the hang of it. A bit cheap feeling, really light and plastic feels thin.

  4. Albert

    Wonderful beginner board
    It’s a great board for beginner just looking to start out I don’t recommend buying this board if you are a intermediate user I would highly recommend something that has four channels in certain two but for a beginner board this is what I started on and it’s amazing I still use it to this day when I travel

  5. Steve S.

    Excellent Mixing Surface for Beginners AND Pro DJs
    I bought this because of it’s great price, but don’t be fooled … this is a solid performer. It has everything you would expect in a DJ software controller and is very responsive. And the BEST thing is, instead of using the “bundled” DJUCED software (which is just a cheap ripoff of VirtualDJ) … I was concerned that it would only work with that, but NO! Fire up VirtualDJ and it pops right up asking if you want to use your Hercules Controller! You can program virtually every key and LED which I have had lots of fun with. Make the Pad buttons flash to the VU meters or beat bars. Make the Beatmatch button turn on the Mic. Overall, I am very happy with this product, and particularly that it works with VirtualDJ and is so programmable.

  6. Skyler

    Used To Be In Love, Now I’m Infuriated
    Loved the controller because of it’s lack of features that would have made learning feel overwhelming. For $120 it’s a good learning tool or toy for hobbyists. This controller is really good for beginners. However within two months I’m breaking outside of that beginner gap and need more and the issues I’m currently facing are making me want to throw this thing through the window.
    Currently dealing with trying to update the controller firmware and so far I have documentation that says to do X when X only uninstalls your current software despite nothing in the documentation saying this. After reinstalling what is supposed to be the most recent version of the firmware, it’s not. (Just noticed DJUCED website documentation some times looks like it’s been run through Google Translate, nice.). After all this I realized you can just right click in the control panel to check for updates, except it still tells me my v1.66 is up to date when the current version is v1.72.
    DJUCED is fine, I guess, it’s very obviously not what any serious DJ uses. For some people think it including tutorials is a selling point, it’s not, you can’t mess with your interface while the tutorial is playing. So tutorial guy shows you how to do something, you have to exit out of the interface video player, try it out and then reopen the tutorial, go back to which tutorial you were on and then go back to the spot you left off. Youtube + a second monitor are a much better alternative for learning, even switching back and forth between DJUCED and a Youtube video is simpler than their built in tutorials. Listed BPMs will change once you load them to be played, this was an issue I had to find the answer for on another website instead of the software just, you know, not doing it.
    Crossfader never really seemed to work, I can’t hear a difference when trying to use it unless completely slid to one side. The jog wheels are super sensitive so you will constantly be accidentally skipping songs ahead or back by seconds. It feels like a toy, I don’t know how other controllers feel but this one feels lightweight and like plastic.
    Like I said I loved this controller in the beginning but now it’s two months later and I’m beginning to hate it and the software that came with it. Yes I could just use something like Serato, except Serato wouldn’t detect the controller. These frustrations are what made me realize the Inpulse 200 is not enough for me and it probably isn’t enough for anybody who wants to be taken seriously. You cannot show up to a house party with this thing, somebody will be asking you “Is that really it?”. But if you’re just hanging in your room broadcasting to your friends on Twitch then I think this is a perfect tool for you.

  7. agustin martinez calderon

    Excelente compra
    Para el costo está muy bien, super práctico, excelente artículo ☺️

  8. Utnapishtem Rorschach

    Output sound is terrible
    Just playing a song using virtual DJ, but passing the audio through this DJ controller makes the sound quality unbearable. I’ve tried different cables and other USB ports but the issue is the same – audio is full of clicks, skips and pops. Not at all the kind of quality for any performance. Works as a midi controller, but as far as output audio, it’s absolutely trash. Maybe I got a bad model. Tried reinstalling drivers a few times, but it’s always the same – audio from this device is terrible. Probably will return it.

  9. Cruz

    Excelente controlador ya que tiene funciones para dj principiante y muy práctico

  10. Sergio S.

    Recomendo, pois tem todas as ferramentas que um DJ precisa para tocar em pequenos trabalhos ( bares, eventos, etc)
    Leve e compacta miitovfacis de transportar e instalar.
    Único contra é o cabo de energia que é integrado na controladora, caso dê defeito um dia será um pouco trabalhoso.
    Programa que vem com Hércules 200 o DJuiced apesar de estar 1 ponto abaixo do Virtual DJ atende a todas espectativas e ainda é integrado com SoundCloud, Tidal entre outros.

  11. Luiz Brito

    Controladora bem legal. Muito básica, mas ideal para quem está começando e não dispõem de um orçamento mais elevado. Estou adorando treinar e aprender os recursos que o software e a controladora oferecem, bem legal relembrar os meus tempos de mixagem usando vinil….

  12. Simon Zavaleta

    Me parece una excelente opción para principiantes que están comenzando a ser Dj’s, el equipo responde bien y es compacto, no ocupa mucho espacio. También me agradó que incluyera tutoriales que te enseñan desde cero a como utilizar el programa y un poco de teoría sobre las mezclas.

  13. Hammer Man 95

    Small controller that is easy to learn the basics of mixing on, works with “djuced” software.
    Quality: For a beginner as my self the quality is good deck is sturdy, jog wheels are smooth as with the sliders. The buttons however are plastic and make a sort of cheap clicking noise when pushed. The cord to connect between deck and computer is a braided USB cord.
    Packaging: The controller was well packaged in plastic and styrofoam support, came with an info pamphlet.
    Pros: Good for beginners, not too over whelming, nice quality except for the buttons.
    Works with free downloadable software. Portable for on the go usage.
    Cons: Might be too basic for more advanced users, does not come with instructions on what each button/slider does. Cheap feeling buttons, does not link to Apple Music/ Spotify.

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Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200 – DJ controller with USB, ideal for beginners learning to mix – 2 tracks with 8 pads and sound card – Software and tutorials included – For Sale – Price